A man was tired of his life. Despite his efforts and hard work, he was only rewarded with failure. He felt defeated by life, left everything behind and went into exile in the woods. There he met a monk. The disappointed man told the monk about his fate. "Give me a good reason not to give up?" He asked the monk. "Look here," said the monk, pointing to two plants. "Do you see that fern and bamboo over there?" "Yes," the man nodded. “When I planted the bamboo and fern seeds, I took very good care of both of them. In a short time the fern grew high out of the ground, ”the monk continued,“ but although the bamboo seeds were cherished and tended for years, they only grew a few centimeters out of the ground. In fact, nothing happened in the first year. There was no sign of growth. I did not give up the bamboo seeds yet and continued to cherish and care for them. In the fifth year a small sprout emerged from the earth. And within six months the tree had grown meters high. "
"So the bamboo lay dormant in the ground for four years so that it could grow exponentially in the fifth year?" Asked the monk. Stunned by the monk's question, the man remained silent. “The answer is really obvious. The small tree has grown underground and has built up a root system that is strong enough to support its growth potential in the 5th and coming years. If the bamboo hadn't built a strong foundation, it would never have grown like that.”"Every time you failed and struggled, you built strong roots, ”noted the monk. The man learned an important lesson that day. He had learned the value of hard work and persistence. The fern and bamboo stood right in front of him as he wandered back to his life to work on his dreams.