Since our products are so-called "made to order" products, they are only produced when an order is placed.
This saves resources and promotes sustainability. They are individually handcrafted to your wishes.
However, this also means that the waiting time for your new companion will be longer.
Depending on the effort involved, it takes four to six weeks until the piece of jewelery is ready for dispatch.
Alle Schmuckstücke sind hangefertigte Unikate. Es gibt sie also in ihrer eigenen Art nur einmal. Deshalb weisen wir Sie daraufhin, das es zu leichten Abweichungen Ihres Produktes kommen kann.
The Gaia Ring
product details
Height 1.0cm
The bamboo blanks are coated with liquid gold or silver using a special technique and are thus extremely valuable. Surface textures result from working by hand, spontaneously during the process, similar to creating a sculpture. So to speak, every piece of jewelry is a work of art that can stand on its own.
the personified earth and one of the first deities.
Strength and calm will accompany the paths you embark on.Gray twilights hang
over the wide meadow plan,
-Tired, with flushed cheeks
the day arrives in the west._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Rainer Maria Rilke